Thank you so much for your concern about our CEO, Ken Rakusin, his family, and their home. Fortunately, his family was able to evacuate safely and are now staying together at another property. While Ken’s home did sustain significant damage, estimated between $30,000 and $50,000 without insurance as State Farm dropped their coverage a few months ago, we truly feel it was a miracle that the house is still standing.
To give you an idea of the destruction around us: if you exit the home and look to the right, just four houses away, you'll see complete devastation stretching for about a mile and a half. However, to the left, there's minimal or no damage at all. It's truly astonishing how random and unpredictable this fire has been.
Our factory and offices are located 15-20 miles away from the nearest fire, so they are completely safe and secure. All of our team members are also living a similar or greater distance from the fires, so everyone is out of harm’s way.
We’re grateful to be safe and look forward to continuing business as usual.
Your one-stop shop for brushes in the printing industry!
In today's printing industry, there is a requirement for high-quality brushes as bristle brushes are used to clean printing plates. They are an important component of many offset press sheet feeder, sheet steadier and press blanket wash systems. Static electricity is a major problem in the printing and engraving industry. During the printing process, the most important factor effecting the quality of the products is static electricity. Strong static electrical charges can even cause sparking or fire. Anti-static brushes are used where there is a need to reduce particle contamination from a static charge. Anti-static, Thunderon® brushes, and Corona Cord™ material are used to control and eliminate static electricity. Different types of rollers (commonly used for holding down materials, straightening the product or to help move along paper) and block brushes are used in high speed presses.
Our customer service representatives can answer your questions. Call us at: 1-800-950-7950 or 1-323-724-7777
There are 6 categories of brushes that are used for printing, engraving, and etching industries. These include: acid/sash/parts cleaning brushes; applicator brushes; block rushes; duster brushes; spiral wound coil brushes; and strip brushes & holders.
In these 6 categories, one can choose from the following fill materials: Horse hair; brass/Horse hair; brass; stainless steel/Horse hair; brass/sponge; carbon steel; cotton; feathers; flagged polystyrene; flagged styrene; Goat hair; Hog bristle; nylon; conductive nylon; static dissipative nylon; PEEK; phosphor bronze; plyer; polypropylene; PTFE; stainless steel; Tampico; Thunderon® or Thunderon®/Goat hair. These fill materials can be set in an aluminum; brass; plastic; acetal; conductive plastic; stainless steel; zinc-pleated steel; tin; or wood handle.
Phone: | 323-724-7777 |
Toll-Free: | 800-950-7950 |
Fax: | 323-724-1111 |