Thank you so much for your concern about our CEO, Ken Rakusin, his family, and their home. Fortunately, his family was able to evacuate safely and are now staying together at another property. While Ken’s home did sustain significant damage, estimated between $30,000 and $50,000 without insurance as State Farm dropped their coverage a few months ago, we truly feel it was a miracle that the house is still standing.
To give you an idea of the destruction around us: if you exit the home and look to the right, just four houses away, you'll see complete devastation stretching for about a mile and a half. However, to the left, there's minimal or no damage at all. It's truly astonishing how random and unpredictable this fire has been.
Our factory and offices are located 15-20 miles away from the nearest fire, so they are completely safe and secure. All of our team members are also living a similar or greater distance from the fires, so everyone is out of harm’s way.
We’re grateful to be safe and look forward to continuing business as usual.
Not all roller covers are alike. There are many different types of paint roller covers available on the market to fulfill different industry and application needs. The Treelon roller cover is such an example. Just like all the other types of these products, the structure of this product appears similar to a typical roller cover for painting applications. However, Treelon is designed for optimum use with water based paints such as acrylic and latex for flat paint applications on medium or rough surfaces. This means the long nap or long end, in combination with this roller cover fabric, is specifically designed so that water based or flat paints get applied to surfaces much better than applying with your average roller cover.
When applying paint to rough surfaces or walls, it’s difficult for full, even coverage if the paint brush you are using is the incorrect type. Treelon roller covers are the premium choice for applying water based paints to rough or medium surfaces correctly and smoothly. This ability all comes from how the paint roller cover itself is manufactured.
The paint roller fabric, used on our Gordon Brush® Treelon roller covers, is manufactured using an industrial knitting process. Knitted fabrics like this essentially have a looped backing that allows a better surface for the paint to absorb into, which results in a more absorbent fabric. These fabrics optimize paint retention and release for increased paint capacity and effectiveness for any project. In addition, the convenience of our bulk package options, or packs of 12 roller covers, allows for easy project timelines.
The standard roller cover core size of 1-1/2” found in our stock Treelon roller covers is available using different combinations of roller cover widths and nap lengths to provide our customers with a variety of options. We know not all projects are alike, therefore, we always strive to give our loyal customers a wide variety of options. The nap size of these roller covers is the length of the fibers that extend from the core to the end of the fill material. Since the correct nap size is chosen based on the texture and surface being painted, more rough or bumpy surfaces require a longer nap length to produce an even coating of paint. This category of paint brush accessories is perfect for use on larger interior or exterior surface areas needing painted.
If a high-quality roller cover, such as our Treelon roller cover, is what you’ve come to the Gordon Brush® website to purchase, you have landed on the jackpot. Just like every other type of brush or brush accessory our American made factory produces, quality and satisfaction is guaranteed and unmatched in the industry. Trust Gordon Brush® as your paint brush and accessories supplier and we will take care of the rest!
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