Thank you so much for your concern about our CEO, Ken Rakusin, his family, and their home. Fortunately, his family was able to evacuate safely and are now staying together at another property. While Ken’s home did sustain significant damage, estimated between $30,000 and $50,000 without insurance as State Farm dropped their coverage a few months ago, we truly feel it was a miracle that the house is still standing.
To give you an idea of the destruction around us: if you exit the home and look to the right, just four houses away, you'll see complete devastation stretching for about a mile and a half. However, to the left, there's minimal or no damage at all. It's truly astonishing how random and unpredictable this fire has been.
Our factory and offices are located 15-20 miles away from the nearest fire, so they are completely safe and secure. All of our team members are also living a similar or greater distance from the fires, so everyone is out of harm’s way.
We’re grateful to be safe and look forward to continuing business as usual.
Thunderon® is a conductive fiber material that offers far greater control of static electricity, and superiority in overall performance than carbon coated conductive fiber. Thunderon® removes the static charge that makes dirt and particles adhere to work surfaces. It also has good abrasion resistance, does not break easily, and has a strong anti-bacterial performance due to the nature of the surface coating.
Technically, Thunderon® fiber is an acrylic fiber that has been chemically bonded with a layer of copper sulfide. This outer layer becomes a part of the host fiber itself, which precludes the 'flaking' problem experienced by other conductive fibers.
Our line of Thunderon® brushes is available in two different fill material types: Thunderon® or Thunderon®/Goat mixture. The Goat hair helps to stiffen up the Thunderon®; the Thunderon® brush alone will be super soft. In addition, this line offers two handle shape options: a shoe handle style or a short, "mustache" style brush.
Here at our American made brush factory, we strive to provide our industrial customers with the best brushes in the world. Our expertise in creating top-quality brushes for nearly 70 years stands by itself and is one of the key reasons we are so popular. Let Gordon Brush® be your exclusive industrial brush maker, no matter what field of business you’re in. We know how important reliable brushes, instruments and tools can be for your business, so let us give you what you need to do it right. Shop both our stock brushes and custom brushes today and save big on your order!
Phone: | 323-724-7777 |
Toll-Free: | 800-950-7950 |
Fax: | 323-724-1111 |